CNR-ITAE – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Research and Technology development

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy, with multidisciplinary competences delivered to carry out, promote, transfer, encourage and enhance research for the scientific, cultural, technological, economic and social development across the Country. It is structured into 7 Departments and 88 Institutes, with more than 220 secondary sites and laboratories. The Departments are structured in macro-thematic areas, representing the interface between the institutional mission and the research demand and being focused to coordinate the Institutes in the process of expanding their research activities.

CNR, with its “Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia – Nicola Giordano” (ITAE), develops and promotes innovative energy technologies able to conjugate the deep knowledge on electrochemical, catalytic and adsorption processes with the ability to design materials, components and energy systems, in close synergy with other mayor players from public organizations, universities, small-medium enterprises and large industries.

Involved technology: Combined gasification and chemical post-treatment

Involved demo-site: Italy, Rome (PRT)

Role: RTD – testing/validation of approaches for technology scale-up.

In PLASTICE, CNR is in charge for the synthesis of the hybrid catalyst to be used in the demo unit for the conversion of syngas into DME.
CNR is also involved in the development of another catalyst for the conversion step of DME into olefines, as precursors of plastics in a logic of circular economy. This catalyst will be validated at lab-scale as a possible benchmark for a future scale-up of this technology step.

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