CIRCE Foundation (Centre of Research for Energy Resources and Consumption) is the PLASTICE Project Coordinator. CIRCE is a technology centre funded in 1993, seeking to provide innovative solutions for a SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The research centre consists of a highly qualified and multidisciplinary team, composed by more than 268 professionals. CIRCE works towards improving the competitiveness of enterprises through generation of technology transfer by means of R+D activities and market-oriented training within the field of resource sustainability and effectiveness, energy grids and renewable energies. CIRCE’s purpose is to anticipate and transfer technological solutions for their sustainability and competitiveness.
Involved technology: Microwave assisted pyrolysis
Involved demo-site: Spain, Zaragoza (URBASER)
Role: RTD & horizontal partner -microwave assisted pyrolysis technology expert.
In PLASTICE, CIRCE will bring into PLASTICE their experience in microwave technology, resources optimization and circular economy. Furthermore, CIRCE will lead the application of Machine Learning and AI techniques as well as the circular value chain activities including the KPIs calculation platform and lifecycle analyses. CIRCE is also in charge of coordinating the 4 demosites characterization with the help of technical partners. Their work to put in value the inclusion of IT technology in the characterisation and sorting of the waste will help to boost the twin transition.