Rina Consulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A.(CSM): is a fully private innovation centre with extensive experiences for the development and application of innovative processes and materials. CSM was founded in 1963 by Italy’s major steel manufacturers and end-users to develop steel technologies and applications. Today CSM is part of RINA, a global provider of classification, certification, testing, inspection and training services for major industries. CSM research activities are mainly related to modelling and design of materials and products, optimization and development of processes, innovative pilot plants and reduction of environmental impact. With a staff of about 230 researchers, CSM ranks amongst Europe’s top Materials Research Centres. CSM is high-level participant also in the European Technological Platforms like ESTEP (steel) and EuMat (advanced materials) and also co-founder of RIES (Research Initiative European Steel) for the coordination among the main Iron&steel research centres in Europe. Currently CSM has more than 80 active Grant Agreements with the European Commission.
Involved technology: Combined gasification and chemical post-treatment
Involved demo-site: Italy, Rome (PRT)
Role: Technology provider.
In PLASTICE, CSM will develop one of the demonstrators: a pilot gasifier which from the starting (plastic) residue will lead to a syngas suitable to be treated for the production of building blocks (DME) for the production of olefins. CSM will adapt a gasifier with a capacity of 100-200 kg/h present in its environmental platform and used for other organic matrix residues (biomass, refinery residues) for the gasification of plastics deriving from municipal separate collection. will study the plant and process conditions to make the produced syngas suitable for obtaining DME. The CSM will be responsible for coordinating the other partners involved in this demonstrator ranging from the procurement of the suitable SRF (provided form PRT) to the transformation of the Syngas into DME, by Chemical Empowering.